viernes, 24 de agosto de 2012

 What is an ecosystem?

A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

What is a biotic factor?

A living component of an ecosystem

What is an abiotic factor?
A non living component that interacts with living components in an ecosystem.

Different ecosystems:

Biotic factors:

  • Cacti
  • Rattle snake

Abiotic factors:
  • Sand
  • Heat


Biotic factors:
  • Two-toed sloth
  • Eucalyptus tree

Abiotic factors:
  • Humidity
  • Precipitation
Temperate forest:

Biotic factors:
  • Cardinal 
  • Huckle berries
Abiotic factors:
  • Temperature
  • Rocks
Coral reef:

Biotic factors:
  • Molluscs
  • Seaweed
Abiotic factors:

  • Light density
  • pH
Abiotic-Biotic interaction:

A fox drinking water from a steam or pond.

The fox, a living thing (biotic factor), is depending on the fact that the water's pH (abiotic factor) isn't to low (acidic), or it will die. This clearly show the interaction between biotic factor and abiotic factor.

Animals of the desert:
A diagram of the food chain in the desert.

Hawks and foxes are top predators, and insects and rodents are at the bottom of the food chain. Herbivores in the desert get there food from plants, which include cacti and bushes.

Amimals of the Rainforest:

A picture showing the animals of the rain forest.

The rainforest is the most bio diverse biome on land, and it contains many, many species of animals and plants, including many types of monkeys, insects, reptiles and others.It is very humid in a rainforest, and it rains very frequently. 

Animals of the temperate rainforest:
A brief list of animals you can find in the forest

In a forest, you can find many wild animals, mainly including mammals. Bears and moose may be the biggest, while rabbits and chipmunks may be among the tiniest. A forest has occasional-frequent  rain, and can vary temperature.

Coral Reef:
A picture showing a coral reef, featuring some cylinder-like animals, and fishes.

Coral reefs are one of the (if not the most) bio-diverse ecosystem on the planet. In a coral reef, there are hundreds of species of fish, mollusks and corals, and plankton and seaweed are also present. For all of the life to work correctly, the pH and temperature of the water have to remain at a constant, and so does the light desity.

Different types of Biological Interactions in Ecosystems:
In the desert, any animal has to compete over water. Although animals in the desert have adapted to live on low amounts of water, they still need some water which is very scarce. This is called competition. For example, a camel might be drinking water from a pond that has formed, and suddenly a lizard appears and tries to scare the camel away, so that it can have the water.
The rainforest might be a peace3ful place if you go there for  vacation, but in the real depths of the rainforest, predators try to kill for food, and prey try to stay alive.This is called predation. A tiger might try to eat a capibara, or a toad may catch a bug with its tongue, but it is still predation.

Finally drinking water:
 A wildebeest drinking water.

 The wildebeest probably searched for this small pond to drink water, and would likely defend it so that it is all for him.
A tiger chasing its prey.

 This picture shows a tiger scouting its prey, which clearly shows the interaction of predation. Its prey is most likely  fleeing, or unaware that it is being scouted.